We Are Beyond

BMI’S Vision and Mission summaries our ambition, how we wish to engage with our customers and therefore where we want to be in the future

BMi is currently providing Safety Services & Solutions to the clients with a plan of establishing manufacturing and supply chain infrastructure services while fully focusing on. BMi aims to be one of the top most solutions providers as well as manufacturers in Bangladesh by serving the highest quality and certified building and industrials safety products and solutions. Not only do we excel in manufacturing but also we promote green manufacturing essentially using fewer resources and moderating emission thus reducing pollution for a better world.

The future BMi envisions is to play an indispensable role in Fire Safety and Security Field, both locally and Internationally. To practice technological innovation and making life more secure and comfortable BMi is working unceasingly to create products and provide solutions that will pave the way to define standards.


Safety “Operate in a safe, but timely manner; never work in conditions you deem as unsafe.” “For yourself, your team, and your customer.


Respect “For team members, customer concerns, and the tools and equipment involved in the task at hand.


Integrity “Values must be demonstrated in the way you act and the way you insist others behave.” “ DFB has integrity, no team member or customer can compromise it.


Knowledge “Commitment to enhancing job knowledge.” “DFB team members are the professionals in this field, we are not afraid of doing the homework to complete a job correctly

Your Dream. Our Mission.

We Believe In Hard Work And Dedication

Our team members have developed their own core values using on word with a description of what each word means to them. BMI has made these the cornerstone of our philosophy.